One of the things I enjoy about attending conferences and meetings is to hear how other organizations are tackling the same issues. When you hear of others struggling with the same issue, there’s a sense of being “all in it together”. Equally, when you hear of other successes, it is great to be able to join in the congratulations.
And so it is in this spirit that the 2013 TMF/ISF survey is launched. This will enable us as an industry group to gather some really useful benchmarks on where the industry is in the area of TMF document management. The data may help you with an eTMF business case. It may help you to secure additional resources. But of course, the data will only be valuable if people contribute!
So this is a last call to action! The survey closes May 16th so you only have a few days left to complete it. PleaseĀ TAKE THE SURVEY NOW.