Home Forums Where do I file…. ? What to file in Artifact ‘Amendment’ (02.01.04) Reply To: What to file in Artifact ‘Amendment’ (02.01.04)

Janna Gonzalez

Hi Sarah,

In Zone 02.01.04 I would filed.
Protocol Amendment
• Protocol Amendment
• Administrative Changes
• Amendment Synopsis
• Amendments Approval Document
• Summary of Changes
• Justification for a Non-Substantial Amendment
• Protocol Amendment (CSR component)

In Zone 04.01.01

IRB or IEC Submission
• IRB or IEC Initial Submission
• IRB or IEC Continuing Review Submissions
• IRB or IEC Correspondence
o Acknowledgement of Receipts
o Questions and Answers
o Request for Additional Info
o IEC from Site
o Cover letters only responses to IRB or IEC from Site

Hope this helps!