Dear colleagues,
I have some questions regarding document assignment in the correct version of TMF RM. Your help is very much appreciated đ.
1) Material Transfer Agreement (Required for all instances where biological samples will be exported out of the country. An agreement between the provider and the recipient (Central Laboratory) of all the biological samples collected during the study that stipulates what will be done with said samples during and after the study conduct)
In our company we keep this agreement under “08.02.04 Sample Import or Export Documentation”. In accordance with 3.3. it should go to Regulatory â03.02.02 Import or Export Documentationâ. Would you please confirm that Regulatory is the correct section for an agreement with Central Lab?
2) Package Insert is now mentioned in two artifacts â02.01.11 Marketed Product Materialâ and â06.01.02 IP Instructions for Handlingâ. Would you please confirm what is the difference?
Thank you a lot for your help,
Best regards,
Maria Pedko, Document Manager, PSI CRO
This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
Maria Pedko.