Home Forums Where do I file…. ? Qualitative Interview documentation

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    • #5136
      Anne-Mette Varney

      We are looking for experience and guidance in classifications to file different Qualitative Interview documentation.
      Classification to file:
      Document name example:
      – Qualitative interview transcripts (pseudonomised)
      – Certificates of interview transcripts (certification of the process of transcribing audio file to written text as a certified copy)
      – Translation certificates for interview transcripts
      – Log of transcripts
      Document content:
      – The pseudonomised trial data from the qualitative interviews received as interview transcripts in pdf.
      Created by: Supplier
      Filed by: ClinOps on Study level

      Classification to file:
      Document name example:
      – Qualitative interview study report (pdf)
      – Core story summary deck (powerpoint)
      Document content:
      The findings from the in-trial interviews
      Created by:
      Filed by: ClinOps, Study level

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