Home Forums Adopting the Reference Model Real-World Study Document Index

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    • #3788
      Rebecca Taggart

      I have analyzed the Real-World Study Document Index that this group posted and am having a lot of trouble deciphering what was reduced or removed. There are no identifiable differences (that I can see) between the reduced version posted on this page: (https://tmfrefmodel.com/category/news) compared to the standard DIA ver. 3.1.0. Can you please advise?

    • #3789
      Eldin Rammell

      Hi Rebecca,

      Then I suspect you are not downloading the correct file. The main TMF Reference Model has 249 artifacts whereas the Real-world study index has only 131. The index can be downloaded from the main Resources page (look under the “TMF Tools section) and a direct link to the index is HERE.

      Kind regards,

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